Just like every m/woman has love for its respective country, its national flag, its national anthem, every m/woman also has a respect for m/women from their respective communities, casts and creed who not only died for their community or country but before soared to ultimate high!!
Forget the God or Goddess, the Allha or the Jesus; they exist in belief.
But, not the Kings and the Queens and the freedom fighters THEY ARE THE REALITY!!!
This is more of an idealistic view. Now let’s get down to the practicality!!!
How do we protect the Kings and Queens, the m/women of our past who crafted their names in the books of history and yet, while describing their achievements time and again history has been tweaked!!
Now, I have reached to the conclusion where some may agree some may not!!
You simply can’t change the World’s view – Unless you’re a powerful Nation or Strong in Number when it comes to community!!!
The song of Bajiroa Mastani was in news for all wrong reasons… Yesterday, I heard someone saying about another song where Bajirao has danced to the tunes of “Kashe Marlee”
Here was a King who got onto a Horse at a tender age of 20 and died at 40 and in those 20 years he won all 41 battles!!! Do you really think he had time to dance!!!??
If that wasn’t enough his successor to Maratha Empire reached till Attock – which is part of now called Pakistan!!!
How many times in the history have we seen the successor carrying not just the crown but the legacy even to the greater heights!!!?? (In here –Raghoba dada)
I was born to a Brahmin family – I had never asked for it. I went to school, then college, then to workplace but, not once I was taught to discriminate people on gender or cast or religion or power of money!!
Yet, today when again I see someone making fun of Brahmin Men / Women who have their names crafted in the books of History I for one just think of NUMBERS!!
When you are just + / - 10% of population spread across India they aren’t going retaliate for reasons better known for them!!!

But, SLB here is a question…
Do you have the balls to make a movie on Tipu Sultan or on the great Shivaji by distorting the facts!!!??
And if your argument says – it was made from commercial angle, you should have made a 3some, or a hardcore, a lesbian movie or an orgy taking the same crew – I am sure it would have crossed +1000 corers more than all Khans put together have ever been able to achieve in one financial year!!!