Sunday, July 16, 2017

Why should Roger win on Sunday!!!?

It’s not for the 8th Wimbledon title. It’s even not for 19th Grand Slam. 

Maybe it’s for the beautiful smile the world sees in the stands which many adore!!!  

When you lose a point she is livid. When you lose a set she crumbles. When you lose a match she is in tears... How can you let that happen? :P 

Well, jokes apart on serious note if Roger win’s today he will be the first man on 
Planet Earth to have won 8 Wimbledon Titles. It would also be a 19th feather to already glorified hat... 

But, most importantly people who have loved you for your skills, your game, and your humble personality, people who have enjoyed your wins would have a GOOD MONDAY!!! 

Yes sir, souls who go on about their daily routines look upto something which gives them immense happiness. Be it backing one’s favourite team in Cricket, Football or backing, praying for those sportsmen who in the mind of fans are their “alter-egos” 

For them it’s a huge high...  

Why should Roger win? 

Well, burden of dealing with Monday is enough to Screw the mind. It in-fact sets in Sunday evening. 

Dating a girl on Sunday evening or watching Fedex in final; I’m sure many would opt for the later but then, the outcome also matters!!! ;)   

Good Luck Fedex for All England Club!! 

A little joy can make big difference you see.  

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Enough of one night stand. Time for a long lasting relation!!?

15th August 1947 a day when India got its Independence. Well, only if it was whole of “Hindustan” it would have been a different thing.
In final goodbye the most hypocrite race on planet Earth Brits – divided Hindustan in two... 

And since then, 70 odd years of Independence it was the INC who went on pleasing Indian Muslims just for vote bank politics. 

On the other hand, Judaism was one of the first foreign religions to arrive in India in recorded history. But the majority population never made Jews life miserable – the Hindus. 

They say “the first resolutions Israel passed once it was formed was to thank India, because India was the only country that never persecuted Jews". 

Irony however, had to play its part though... 

After independence it took 70 odd years for the top most authority of “Hindustan” to visit Israel on official visit. 

Time and again the leaders country elected provided red carpet for Pakistanis who betrayed us but, not once did anyone made an effort at top level to reach out to good old friend.

Finally, it was NaMo who took a plunge and boy aren’t we loving it? 

The welcome reception he received on Tarmac has made many of us proud while some are in confused state and for Modi haters it is a Burnol moment :D 

Jokes apart 4th of July 2017 will go down in History as revival of Old Friendship. 

The Eagle has landed my friend the Eagle has landed... 

The ultimate "नटसम्राट"

Truth be told...

I have cried and cried like hell...

Be it during school days when I lost inter-school race / competitions... 
Or when I flunk in subjects... Or as a guy who was in super committed relation which went for a toss... 

As a child I was been told boy's don’t cry... As a man few they even said don’t be a cry-baby...


After seeing this I for one thought - this man has taken emotions to a different level all together...

As elected PM while mentioning LK Advani in Central Hall he cried..

While addressing employees of Facebook at Facebook Head Quarters he cried...

The first speech after Demonetization in Goa and he cried...

But, this was different!

Hardcore congress man who was eventually made President of "Hindustan" was sitting in the capacity as President for one last time and then Darling PM delivered what he is good at. 

Opposition call PM’s tears filmy... One who still support Congress think – Chap plays to the gallery... To each his own.. 

But...  ain't our Darling PM the ultimate... ;-))