Monday, March 29, 2010

I want too...

Hun... :( right now!
I want too write a blog on person which is in my subconscious!
I want too write a blog on "which could have been most heated up conversation" (imaginary) between Kunti and Sun god! ;)
I want too write a blog on my new girlfriend one which will never leave me irrespective of my partners presense! (and Iam sure partner wont mind it either!:)
I want too write a blog on Chakras, there flow, disadvantages when its imbalanced!
I want too write blog on surmai cury, crab masala, chicken tandoor and mutton biryani! yummy........ ;)
I want too write a blog on rain!

Yet, all I am doing is sitting and trying to put my focus back onto the thing which is more important than any, at this moment - studies!

Somethings... can wait for sometime - I guess!

p.s. I guess by 6:00 AM I will land up writing a blog on tears (how studying alone can be tiresome! ;)

Monday, March 22, 2010


We can't go back!


The impacts of some decision are known years latter… some reap individual’s good results some backfire!

The decision I took was not under anyone’s influence, it wasn’t impulsive either! After a time I thought it was time for me to call it off and hence took decision of moving out of my team (unit of beautiful energetic girl’s) of company (which is growing in numbers) of job (which was giving me decent salary)

I was passionate about my work, I loved what I was doing, or I was doing what I loved :) till then it was ok, but one morning I got up and seriously doubted my inputs. Day two I had to drag myself to office... weeks later I was questioning my existence! I would have certainly gone brainsick had it lasted for months! All I had to do was either stick to it and live a “life of a class” who want to explore new things but can’t due to seamless tiring constraints or least try and explore few possibilities of what human brain is capable off ()!

Forget about the rest – but decision also took me by surprise, how on the earth can one put security on least priority? Ahhhh "Security” Here I come, we come…

A big building, glass walls, AC cubicles is security...
9:00 to 18:00hrs job is security...
5days working is security…
Free meals / snacks, free coffee and tea is security...
Sweating it out entire year just to receive insignificant some of money on 1st of FY is security...
Withdrawing month’s salary after 10days of leave is security...
Being extremely good at dirty politics is security...
Being a good asskisser is security...
And mother of all… Inspite of escalation / mess up being rest assured of job – is security...

After all such benefits how can one overlook securities?

But now I am thoroughly convinced; some souls simply adore betting with fire :)

I am sure most of working professional some day or other go through such emotions. Some accept and carry on, while some rebel… Yet the fact remains… Security is utmost important factor for mortals, be it in job or love or emotions… Secures are more content then there insecured counterparts…

Well after knowing all this, I have fancied the chance of moving out of job security, thanks to those who have shown faith and support!

Time will certainly give its verdict, all I can provide is rigorous consistency and most important will to carry on!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Connect

This was one of the easiest Q asked by 92 years old lady... and yet he was unable to get it spot on!

What do you get by climbing mountains? What do you get by doing cycling? in heat of moment he replied "you wont understand" but in retrospect the Q" meant a lot..

What have I really got by climbing mountains? Be it in Himalayas or any other pinnacle / fort in sayahadari... what have I achieved by climbing? by trekking? by cycling?

Experience...which will not be counted!
Memories...which won’t last!
Summit success... which is one minute glory!
The important facet is one blow’s up the earning - some may agree some may not! yet the fact remains - one spends tens of thousands, and most valuable time to pursue the sport! And still the urge of going back doesn’t stop!

May be the simplest answer to the Q would have been - "because they are there"! but then, even that aint true! There are lots of exotic places around; yet,

Why run behind unforgiving sunlight, blistering wind, and harsh elements?
Why sleep on slope, pebbles under the karrimat?
Why everytime face has to go black? lips cracked?
Why everytime fight dehydration?
Why everytime skip lunch and later feel proud about it?
Why everytime talk to muscles, joints?
Why everytime play with mind and purse it for last leg?
Is all the rubble worth so much trouble?

I asked these Q as if I knew the answers, but honestly I don’t have it!

All I knew was one thing, such a sport is inside, its internal business, it helps in shaping our charecter; its not about success, its not about summit, its not about destinations, its not even about obstacles, there is ego within; which needs a boost, its fear of loosing which keeps the person going..

There’s is this unforgettable lesson of Fight, Perseverance, Acceptance, and Surrender! taught by Mother Nature - which remains with the soul forever!

Well you can’t explain it to a novice, True!

The old lady asking me is my ajee.. I guess at this age she won't comprehend with "connect" nyways!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Alain Robert

He made it look so easy! His every move was filled with utmost confidence; he was almost nearly dancing on vertical wall, not for once anyone standing below thought of worst!

No matter how much you climb up, after 5ft one slight error has magnitude of turning climbing event into disaster! For once climbing up without any safety was possible in dreams, in real he showed us the way :) but climbing down without safety lines from 100mts was too much to accept!

For crowd, it is a pipe dream... but boy; he was not amongst crowd as he exactly knew how to reach there! He was definitely on top of his game!

The Man is practically living life as if theres no tomorrow! Cheers SIR.
