The impacts of some decision are known years latter… some reap individual’s good results some backfire!
The decision I took was not under anyone’s influence, it wasn’t impulsive either! After a time I thought it was time for me to call it off and hence took decision of moving out of my team (unit of beautiful energetic girl’s) of company (which is growing in numbers) of job (which was giving me decent salary)
I was passionate about my work, I loved what I was doing, or I was doing what I loved :) till then it was ok, but one morning I got up and seriously doubted my inputs. Day two I had to drag myself to office... weeks later I was questioning my existence! I would have certainly gone brainsick had it lasted for months! All I had to do was either stick to it and live a “life of a class” who want to explore new things but can’t due to seamless tiring constraints or least try and explore few possibilities of what human brain is capable off ()!
Forget about the rest – but decision also took me by surprise, how on the earth can one put security on least priority? Ahhhh "Security” Here I come, we come…
A big building, glass walls, AC cubicles is security...
9:00 to 18:00hrs job is security...
5days working is security…
Free meals / snacks, free coffee and tea is security...
Sweating it out entire year just to receive insignificant some of money on 1st of FY is security...
Withdrawing month’s salary after 10days of leave is security...
Being extremely good at dirty politics is security...
Being a good asskisser is security...
And mother of all… Inspite of escalation / mess up being rest assured of job – is security...
After all such benefits how can one overlook securities?
But now I am thoroughly convinced; some souls simply adore betting with fire :)
I am sure most of working professional some day or other go through such emotions. Some accept and carry on, while some rebel… Yet the fact remains… Security is utmost important factor for mortals, be it in job or love or emotions… Secures are more content then there insecured counterparts…
Well after knowing all this, I have fancied the chance of moving out of job security, thanks to those who have shown faith and support!
Time will certainly give its verdict, all I can provide is rigorous consistency and most important will to carry on!
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