Victory is in there blood! They have been world champs in one dayers, be it world cup or mini world cup, yet they were in search to crack t-20 version. This was there chance... After empathic win in semis Aussies were favorites.
On other hand the community which introduced the game, the one's with sheer brain ruled the 3/4 of world’s population, the one's who introduced most of Indians to meaningless word - sorry, weren’t able to hold hand on any of world cup fixtures! England have been in quarter finals they were in semis too, in 1992 they reached finals but couldn't ever win one!
The best team who could have helped England to continue with there record were Pakistan ;) but Pak were done in by some great batting display from Aussie middle order!
Today was no different, for once I thought it was Australia all over, yet England had some other plans, it was good toss to win followed by some brilliant bowling and fielding and finally Mr. Captain made sure the victory wasn’t left for tail enders to achieve.
England finally won the major tournament, and got hold on WC trophy which was introduced back in 1975, finally they are world champs... A long wait for Englishmen comes to an end!
I wish someday Protease too wins major tournament and overcome the tag of chokers. Certainly not in WC 2011, it belongs to India :)
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