Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ban Liquor says Maharashtra BJP - what Non-sense!!!

The Pune Mayor says sale of Liquor is not a good idea... Maha state BJP says the same...

Well, I’m neither for liquor nor against it... But, seeing these BJP state head /(s) changing color reminds me Chameleon..  

While the parliament has powers to make laws on liquor it's the Center who has executive powers on sale of liquor... Liquor across the states in the time of emergency can be banned as it does not make a part of essential commodity. (Essential Commodities Act, 1955)

And yet it was Central Government who allowed states to sale the liquor under Lock-down 3.0

What happened on 4th May in Maharashtra was shocking, but just blaming the drunkards or banning liquor is not a solution to the problem. 

One study shows almost 90% of people had a shot at-least once under the lock-down... While around 10% of people couldn't afford it. The kind of rush Maharashtra witnessed yesterday was of those 90% who weren’t ready to buy a bottle for an insane rate yet again.

State Vs Center:

The sale of liquor was allowed across the country... The state of Karnataka, UP, Goa did commendable job. In fact the state of Karnataka received record breaking revenue in a single day and yet there wasn’t any chaos across the state. Then why Maharashtra!!?  

Better coordination:

How come we saw a better coordination amongst the politicians, bureaucrats, police and shop owners in BJP ruled states while Non-BJP ruled state government were / are still in mess!!? 

In my eyes, it is nothing but Central Vs Non-BJP states which are at loggerheads and playing the blame-games.

The hovering question: 

If today Maharashtra was ruled by BJP, would Pune Mayor or Ex-CM had same views!!? At-least your counterpart colleagues from Goa, UP and Kannadiga doesn’t show the same trend!!! 

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